faith fitness quotesfaith fitness quotes

faith fitness quotes

Staying physically fit through exercise requires dedication and perseverance. The same can be said about maintaining a fitness regimen for your faith and spiritual growth. When the going gets tough, it helps to be reminded of why you’re putting in the effort. Inspiring faith fitness quotes can bolster your motivation during challenging times. Here are some of the best faith fitness quotes to strengthen your spiritual muscles.

“My body is not just an object in this world but a dwelling place for the very Spirit of God. And so I will treat it, and present it, as holy.” – Lysa Terkeurst

Taking care of our physical bodies through exercise and nutrition honors the temple that God created us to inhabit. This quote from Christian author Lysa Terkeurst reminds us that our bodies are meant to house God’s Holy Spirit. Maintaining a level of fitness shows respect for the vessel God bestowed upon us.

“Never, ever give up on God. When you can’t find Him, keep looking; when you can’t feel Him, keep believing; when you can’t understand Him, keep trusting.” – Max Lucado

The spiritual journey has its ups and downs, just like any fitness routine. There will be days when you feel close to God and days when you struggle to sense His presence. This inspirational quote from pastor and author Max Lucado encourages perseverance through faith even when you feel disconnected from God. Don’t give up – keep putting in the effort to strengthen your relationship.

faith fitness quotes
faith fitness quotes

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Facing your fears and doubts with courage instead of avoidance takes inner toughness. Spiritual growth requires stepping outside your comfort zone at times to draw closer to God. This quote reminds us that every challenging experience makes us stronger in faith, just as overcoming physical obstacles builds fitness strengths. Have the courage to take on what intimidates you.

“Train regularly with the Bible—your strongest spiritual exercise tool. Read it to strengthen your core beliefs. Claim its promises to tone your faith. Meditate on it to lengthen your patience. Memorize it to gain definition in your walk. Share verses that motivate and bless others.” – Edie Melson

Staying spiritually fit requires daily Bible “exercise” like reading, study, meditation and memorization. Christian author Edie Melson compares scripture interaction to different workout regimens that condition specific areas of faith. Make the Bible your go-to source for faith fitness. Consistently training with God’s Word will fortify your spiritual muscles.

“Developing spiritual fitness involves persistence and daily commitment, just as developing physical fitness does. Both call for self-discipline, goal setting and ongoing effort. But the rewards far outweigh the effort required.” – Rick Warren

Beloved pastor and author Rick Warren draws the parallel between physical and spiritual fitness in this powerful quote. Just as staying in shape physically is a dedicated process, growing closer to God spiritually is an ongoing journey that demands commitment each day. Though challenging at times, the payoff of a strong faith far outweighs any effort put in. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

“When we stand before God at the end of our lives and lives are reviewed, it will not be asked how many good times we had, how much money we made, or how successful our lives appeared to others. We will be asked, what difference we made in the lives of others.” – Gordon B. Hinckley

Gordon Hinckley’s quote focuses our outlook from an eternal perspective. Instead of living for earthly markers of “success,” aim to make an impact through demonstrating Christ-like love. Serve others through acts of compassion – that is true spiritual fitness that will stand the test of time. Leave behind a legacy of positively influencing lives for God’s kingdom.

“This life is a race toward eternity. Some are jogging, some are walking, some have tripped and fallen, some can barely move. But every step brings us closer to the finish line. Press on!” – Tony Evans

Visionary pastor Tony Evans uses the metaphor of a race to depict life’s journey to heaven. Wherever you’re at right now – whether sprinting ahead or struggling to keep pace – keep moving forward step by step in your walk with God. Though the path is long, every movement brings the finish line nearer. Don’t quit – press on strong in faith!

“My body is not meant to be idle but to serve others and bring them closer to God through acts of love. May my daily activity honor Him who gives me strength.” – Unknown

While taking care of our physical health, remember that our bodies were created by God to be of service. Stay spiritually fit by using your abilities, gifts and good health to lift others up and point them to Christ. Thank God daily for the vessel He loaned you and ask Him how you can glorify Him through sacrificial love in action.

“Keep your faith strong, your head high, and keep putting one foot in front of the other.” – Rob Liano

When challenges arise that could cause your faith to waver or make you want to quit, this quote is the perfect reminder. Have courage, keep your eyes on Jesus, and persevere in faith one step at a time. Staying spiritually fit through difficulty requires keeping your hope anchored in God and continuing the journey despite hardship or uncertainty.

“Surrounds yourself with people who take your spirit to a higher place.” – Steve Maraboli

Like physical fitness buddies, finding friends who encourage spiritual growth through their example and words will motivate you to train your faith regularly. Choose companions who lift your outlook heavenward and spur you on toward Christlikeness through accountable fellowship. Intentional community fosters spiritual fitness.

“Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees.” – Corrie ten Boom

In the same way a workout schedule creates habit and routine for the body, setting aside dedicated prayer times trains faithfulness. Corrie ten Boom compares prayer appointment-keeping to demonstrating power. Make prayer an unbreakable part of your spiritual strength training that allows God’s presence to permeate your life.

“Your spirituality isn’t defined by how you feel; it’s defined by how you walk every single day.” – T.D. Jakes

Real spiritual growth isn’t based simply on mountaintop moments of joy but in putting one foot in front of the other daily in obedience to Christ. Staying spiritually fit isn’t just an emotional experience – it’s a decision to walk step-by-step even when the path feels difficult. Faithfulness strengthens slowly over time through consistent choices for righteousness.

In conclusion, maintaining fitness of faith requires as much dedication as training the physical body. When challenges arise that could cause your perspective or perseverance to waver, reflect on inspirational faith fitness quotes that call you back to purpose and perspective. Regardless of circumstances, choose each day to walk stronger in your relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, Bible study, worship, service and accountability. Your spiritual muscles will grow over the long journey as you continually put your trust in the Lord who gives you strength. Press on!

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